Aleph GNU/Linux distribution version 0.2.10
- kernel
- init ram disk
- squash file system
- live ISO
Aleph GNU/Linux is a Debian
based distribution, inspired from the container analogy, aiming to reduce
the time needed to make a hardware usable, by removing the need to install an
Operating System, to configure it, or even deploy software to it. Aleph brings
up your system, with pre-installed and pre-configured software that runs in a
volatile environment(RAM) - persistent storage(HDD) is not even needed.
Boot the OS, using
label aleph
append initrd= ip=:::::enp0s8:dhcp console=ttyS0 console=tty0 boot=pxe maxTryCount=10 config_srv_url= rooturl=
The kernel(<8MiB) and the "init ram disk"(IRD)(<45MiB) is loaded. IRD brings up
the network - see kernel `ip` parameter for network configuration. Then IRD
loads the URL: ${config_srv_url}/ird_net
as a script responsible for downloading and mounting the "actual" file system,
which is a "squash file system" (SFS) of varying sizes. Once this is mounted,
PID 1 is started from /sbin/init . Once the system booted from our SFS, a
subsequent script is loaded from URL: ${config_srv_url}/boot which is
responsible for further configuring the system, on top of what the SFS provides.
If you like containers, you can think of the machine/node as being the
container, and the SFS as being the "container image" that comes with an
(actual) operating system environment, configuration, libraries/dependencies and
the software/server that you want to run. The "boot" URL/script is the
equivalent of an entrypoint to make small tweaks to the system. You can also
create new SFS images/files by expanding them, or starting from scratch.
Author: Tancredi-Paul Grozav -