For Debian and CentOS
Table of contents:
  1. Interfaces
  2. Routing
  3. Firewall(iptables)
  4. IPs and Ports
  5. Services
  6. Users and Groups
  7. Package Management
  8. ipmitool
  9. Other system commands
    1. Show physical (or virtualized) network cards:
      lspci | grep -i Ethernet
    2. Show interfaces:
      ip link
      ip addr # To also show the IPs associated
      ip addr show eth0 # To only print the address of a certain interface
      If you do not see your interface in ip link, you can check for errors in dmesg.
    3. Check interface for link and speed:
      mii-tool eth0 # Requires root permissions
      Returns something like:
      eth0: negotiated 1000baseT-HD flow-control, link ok
      This translates to a Gigabit connection(1000baseT-HD) with a cable plugged in(link on). You can also check for these values without root permissions by looking into:
      grep . /sys/class/net/eth0/{carrier,speed}
      If carrier is 1, then you have a cable plugged in. The speed might be 0 when it's unknown. operstate might also give you a hint if the cable is plugged in or not. You can also use ethtool for this (if you don't mind installing a new tool). If you do not see your interface in ip link, you can check for errors in dmesg.
    4. Manage interface with the ip command
      # Assign an IP to an interface:
      ip addr add dev eth0
      # Delete an IP from an interface:
      ip address del dev eth0
      # Bring the interface up & down
      ip link set ens3 down
      ip link set ens3 up
    5. Create VLAN:
      Make sure that the kernel module 8021q is loaded
      modprobe 8021q
      Then create new VLAN interfaces by running:
      ip link add link eth0 name eth0.1 type vlan id 1
      Then you can simply use it as a normal interface.
    1. Show routing table:
      netstat -rn
      ip route list
      route -n # Requires root
    2. List routing table entries for a specific table:
      ip route list table 200
      The default table name is main but you can have more than one table. In this case the table name is "200". You can then use rules to specify which routing table should be applied.
    3. Add routing table entry:
      The following routing directive tells the Kernel that every packet that is going to the 192.168.100.X network, needs to be forwarded through the gateway - through the tun1 device.
      route add -net gw netmask dev tun1
    4. Remove routing table entry:
      To remove an entry (like the one above) you can run:
      route del -net gw netmask dev tun1
    5. Show list of rules:
      ip rule list
    6. Add route to table:
      This adds a new routing instruction to table 200:
      ip route add default via dev tun3 table 200
      To delete the routing instruction, simply replace add with delete. On OpenBSD you can use something like:
      route add -mpath default
    7. Add rule:
      This adds a new rule saying that traffic coming from should be handled by routing table with name "200":
      ip rule add from table 200
      To delete the rule, simply replace add with delete
  3. FIREWALL (iptables)
    1. Show firewall rules:
      iptables -nvL --line-numbers
      iptables -nvL --line-numbers -t nat
    2. Delete firewall rule:
      iptables -D FORWARD 11 # Deletes rule 11 from the FORWARD section
    3. Insert firewall rule at position (Rules are applied in order):
      iptables -I INPUT 2 -s -j DROP # Inserts the rule at position 2
    4. Forward traffic from/to VPN tunnel:
      iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o tun0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
      iptables -A FORWARD -s -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
      iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
  4. IPs and Ports
    1. List active internet connections (servers and established):
      netstat -atnp
    2. Check if someone is listening on port 25:
      netstat -atnp | grep -w 25
    3. Check if you can connect to
      timeout 1 bash -c "cat < /dev/null > /dev/tcp/" 2>/dev/null; echo $?
      An exit code of 0 means that it was able to connect, and 1 means that it could not connect in the given timeout of 1 second.
    4. Convert IP to domain and domain to IP:
      host # Converts this IP to a domain
      dig +short myserver.mydomain.ext # Returns the list of IP's
      host -a myserver.mydomain.ext # DNS records like NS, CNAME, TXT (and also A - IPv4 IP's)
  5. Services(daemons)
    1. List available services:
      # Debian
      ls -la /etc/init.d/
      # CentOS
    2. Status:
      # Should work on both Debian and CentOS
      service mysql status
      # Debian
      /etc/init.d/mysql status
      # CentOS
      systemctl status mysqld
    3. Start:
      # Should work on both Debian and CentOS
      service mysql start
      # Debian
      /etc/init.d/mysql start
      # CentOS
      systemctl start mysqld
    4. Stop:
      # Should work on both Debian and CentOS
      service mysql stop
      # Debian
      /etc/init.d/mysql stop
      # CentOS
      systemctl stop mysqld
    5. Restart:
      # Should work on both Debian and CentOS
      service mysql restart
      # Debian
      /etc/init.d/mysql restart
      # CentOS
      systemctl restart mysqld
    6. Enable (set to start at boot):
      # Debian
      update-rc.d mysql enable
      # CentOS
      systemctl enable mysqld
      # CentOS old
      chkconfig mysqld on
      # Arch (openrc) - adds to boot runlevel
      rc-update add docker boot
    7. Disable (prevent start at boot):
      # Debian
      update-rc.d mysql disable
      # CentOS
      systemctl disable mysqld
      # CentOS old
      chkconfig mysqld off
      # Arch (openrc) - removes from runlevel
      rc-update del docker boot
  6. Users and groups
    1. To manage users on your system run:
      # 1. Adding a user:
      useradd user1
      # or this, in order to automatically create the home directory (usually in /home):
      useradd user1 -m
      # To also set the bash for your new user, use:
      useradd user1 -m -s /bin/bash
      # Remove a user from the system:
      userdel user1
      # 2. Adding an existing user to a group:
      usermod -a -G developers samuel
      # Remove a user from a group:
      gpasswd -d samuel developers
      # Change the username:
      usermod -l newUserName1 user1
      # 3. Show the list of groups, that a user is member of:
      groups user1
    2. To manage groups on your system:
      # To list all available groups you can run:
      cut -d: -f1 /etc/group
      # To add a new group run:
      groupadd group1
      # To remove a group run:
      groupdel group1
      # To rename a group run:
      groupmod -n group1NewName group1
  7. Package Management Moved to: /kb/linux/software_packages .
  8. ipmitool
      # Open Serial Over LAN (SOL) mode
      ssh -t server1 IPMI_PASSWORD=s3cr3t ipmitool -H -U admin -E -I lanplus sol activate
      # Set next boot flag, to boot into BIOS
      IPMI_PASSWORD=s3cr3t ipmitool -H -U admin -E chassis bootdev bios
      # Reset the machine
      IPMI_PASSWORD=s3cr3t ipmitool -H -U admin -E chassis power reset
      # Reset/reboot the BMC(IPMI device), if it is not stable. You should see that
      # it should stop replying to ping for a while.
      IPMI_PASSWORD=s3cr3t ipmitool -H -U admin -E bmc reset cold
  9. Other system commands
    To see when the system was installed you can check when the / partition(filesystem) was created using (requires root):
      tune2fs -l $(df / | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') | grep "Filesystem created:"
    To set the hostname of a certain computer you can:
      #On CentOS:
      hostnamectl set-hostname blecs
      #On Debian:
      echo "blecs" > /etc/hostname
      /etc/init.d/ stop
      /etc/init.d/ start
    Remember that you have to restart bash, in order to have it load