This should be useful when you want to test a hardware system for any flaws.

1. CPU

1.1. Generic: stress-ng --timeout 5s --cpu 0 - sequentially working through all the different CPU stress methods. See --cpu-method

1.2. Floating point: stress-ng --timeout 5s --matrix 0. 0 - will create an instance for each CPU core, or you could specify a certain number of instances.

2. Memory

2.1. Virtual memory stress: stress-ng --timeout 5s --vm 2 --vm-bytes 2G --mmap 2 --mmap-bytes 2G --page-in - will allocate 2x2G for vm + 2x2G for mmap

3. Disk

3.1. Generic: stress-ng --timeout 5s --hdd 0 - continually writing, reading and removing temporary files.

4. Other

4.1. Overall/Generic: stress-ng --timeout 1m --all 0 - will start all stressors, nproc instances of each. This tests a lot of aspects but since the stressors will compete agains each other, it will not test each component as much as testing it individually.

4.2. High interrupt load: stress-ng --timeout 5s --timer 32 --timer-freq 1000000 - will force many hundreds of thousands of interrupts per second, for example, 32 instances at 1MHz.

4.3. Major page faults: stress-ng --timeout 5s --fault 0 --perf and stress-ng --timeout 5s --userfaultfd 0 --perf

4.4. Run random stressors: stress-ng --timeout 5s --random 128 - will start 128 random stressors.

5. Per class

Available classes(see --class): cpu cpu-cache device io interrupt filesystem memory network os pipe scheduler vm.

stress-ng --timeout 5s --class cpu --all 0
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class cpu-cache --all 0
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class device --all 0
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class io --all 0 # unsuccessful
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class interrupt --all 0
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class filesystem --all 0 # successful, though dnotify fails
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class memory --all 0 # Hangs the PC
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class network --all 0 # unsuccessfull
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class os --all 0 # Does not end?
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class pipe --all 0
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class scheduler --all 0 # unsuccessful
stress-ng --timeout 5s --class vm --all 0

Thanks to:

  1. man stress-ng

Stress script:

# ============================================================================ #
# Author: Tancredi-Paul Grozav <>
# ============================================================================ #
bytes_per_cpu_core="$(($(free -b | grep ^Mem: | awk '{print $2}')/$(nproc)))" &&
stress-ng --timeout 1m \
  --cpu 0 \
  --matrix 0 \
  --hdd 0 \
  --vm 0 --vm-bytes ${bytes_per_cpu_core} \
  --mmap 0 --mmap-bytes ${bytes_per_cpu_core} --page-in \
stress-ng --timeout 1m --all 0 &&

if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then
  echo "[  OK  ] All tests passed."
  echo "[FAILED] One test failed."
exit 0
# ============================================================================ #